28th Annual Art & Artists Celebration

28th Annual Art & Artists Celebration

Join us at Franconia Sculpture Park on September 21, 2024 from 12pm-5pm for our 28th Annual Art & Artists Celebration! Experience a day filled with creativity and community, featuring free art-making workshops, live performances, a special musical performance by the Oshkii Giizhik Singers, and an exclusive showcase of new work by artist Marlena Myles. 

Also happening on September 21st is the River Valley Potters Fall Studio Sales and Art at the Acreage at Osceola, so it's time to start planning your perfect weekend day trip to the St. Croix River Valley!

Stay tuned for the full Art & Artists Celebration schedule!

AAC is a free event with a $10/car suggested parking donation. A food truck will be on site, and alcoholic beverages will be sold by Franconia Sculpture Park. 

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