50 60 70 80 Show

50 60 70 80 Show

Gallery 5004 presents their 80th show, featuring art by over 50 renowned Minnesotan artists.

A milestone exhibition featuring:

50 renowned Minnesota artists,

60 works of art, each one over

70 years old, for Gallery 5004’s

80th show!

This July 2024 show is free of charge and open to the public from Noon to 4:00 p.m. on the following days:

Saturday, July 13, and Sunday, July 14

Saturday, July 20, and Sunday, July 21

Saturday, July 27, and Sunday, July 28

Please visit Gallery 5004 for this special art exhibition featuring a diverse array of work by the following 50 acclaimed Minnesota artists:

Albinson, Anderson, Baumgart, Betlach, Bobleter, Booth, Bradley, Brewer, Brown, Burton, Calhoun, Conn, Dehn, Fenelle, Fossum, Fournier, Gutmanis, Hapke, Haupers, Hays, Holmstrom, Hugy, Ibling, Kappel, Kerrick, Klagstad, Kuhlman, LeDuc, Loran, Lund, McNear, Nooleen, Nordfeldt, Oja, Peterson, Quick, Ranney, Rawson, Rollins, Ryan, Schar, Sorkin, St. Pierre, Sussman, Von Luerzer, Warnholtz, Wedin, Winchell, Winholtz and, Wolfe.

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