Art and Psychology and Everything in Between: Art by Creative Arts Therapists

Art and Psychology and Everything in Between: Art by Creative Arts Therapists

In collaboration with members of the creative arts therapy communities Calendula Gallery presents a juried art exhibit created by psychotherapists.

The American Art Therapy Association defines creative arts therapy as a type of psychotherapy that allows the expression of emotions and experiences not easily expressed in words. It is not about the final product but focused on healing that occurs through the making of art or expression.

Join Calendula Gallery to see the work of 23 local art therapists and learn how guiding creativity to healing and wellness impact one’s own art. This amazing exhibit allows us insight into how these unique therapists view the work and the world.    

Gallery Hours:

Calendula Gallery is generally open the first, second and third weekends of each month, plus every first Friday from 5 - 9. 

Image: Lenaya Kerlin, A Thread From My Heart to Yours, mixed media 

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