Autoptic Festival

Autoptic Festival

With a focus on original zines, printmaking, and artwork, the Autoptic Festival caters to lovers of indie and underground comics; it showcases all manner of talented artists and creators. Come join us and the over 100 artists on the show floor and support Minnesota’s vibrant comics community.

The event kicks off on Saturday, August 17th with an art fair where you can buy comic books, prints, chapbooks and zines directly from an artist or small press publisher. Each table features an artist selected by our jury from a wide pool of artists within the Twin Cities and across the Midwest. It will be held at the University of Minnesota’s Coffman Memorial Union from 11:00am to 6:00pm. 

The second day of amazing events will be held at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design from 11:00am to 4:00pm on Sunday the 18th. Our lineup of special guests will hold live panels on creative process and culture in the underground print scene. 

Meet amazing artists and small press such as: 

Back of Beyond Press
Beth Hetland
Bianca Xunise
Blue Delliquanti
Chad Bilyeu
Craig Thompson
Laneha House
Late Night Copies
Maddi Gonzalez
Trung Le Nguyen



Saturday, August 17th 11:00am - 6:00pm at Coffman Memorial Union

Sunday, August 18th 11:00am - 4:00pm at Minneapolis College of Art and Design


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