Cameron Downey | Three Things Last Forever

Cameron Downey | Three Things Last Forever

Hair+Nails presents a solo exhibition of work by Cameron Downey

“As a student of Visual Art and Environmental Science, antidisciplinary storytelling lay at the root of my passions in conceptual art-making. My work explores across medium– or rather rejects the obligation to notion between mediums– the varied and dynamic implications of suspension as they exist within Black experience. Having grown up North Minneapolis, Minnesota, this study of precarity subsists as a product of having to exist within constant new shapes, remembering without physical artifacts and making home only at the margins. Through photograph, film, body, sculpture and otherwise, my work sees instruction and event in these liminal technologies of being. I strive to archive, interrogate, unfurl, make altar of and bring fantasy to the sensory experience and constant need to be on toe and hand.” 

About the Artist
Cameron Downey is an undergrad at Columbia University pursuing studies of Environmental Science and Visual Art. Born and raised in Minneapolis, MN, she oscillates between the midwest and Harlem, NY. Among artmaking, she spends time as a writer, advocate, curator and dreamer. Downey’s art has previously been exhibited by HAIR+NAILS in: HAIR+NAILS at 9 Herkimer (Brooklyn) in 2019 and FUTURE FUTURE (HAIR+NAILS MPLS) in Jan/Feb 2020. Downey guest curated HOLDING SPACE, an exhibition of video, image, light and sound, in the H+N front yard this summer.

Gallery Hours
Saturdays/Sundays, 2:00-6:00 and by appointment through September 26.  

HAIR+NAILS’ Covid-19 Safety Plan
Gallery capacity will be reduced to 10 people at a time. Masks will be required in the gallery and individually-wrapped new masks provided. Several hand-sanitizing stations and a hand-washing sink in the gallery. HAIR+NAILS gallery attendants queried for symptoms before every shift. 6-foot social distancing requested in both the gallery and the frontyard/backyard waiting areas. Individual appointments available for visitors and their companions who live with greater concern for contracting COVID-19.

This exhibition will show concurrently with exhibitions by Moises Salazar & Anat Shinar.  

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