Circles of Care

Circles of Care

CarryOn Homes, an international group of artists Zoe Cinel (Italy), Peng Wu (China), and Shun Yong (Malaysia), is dedicated to telling the stories of immigrants and refugees in the USA through art. By engaging the public with cross-cultural dialogue, we create spaces for immigrants and marginalized communities to feel a sense of belonging and empowerment. For seven years, CarryOn Homes has centered the narratives of immigrants who are marginalized, and created platforms to support the fundamental work that these communities and organizations are doing.

Circles of Care brings the collective back to its roots. Centering what brings healing and respite to our lives with the goal to connect people and reflect collectively on how to find comfort in charged times.

Displayed in the public-facing windows, viewable from the sidewalks surrounding the M, Circles of Care is a series of 12 large photographs and audio stories collected through participatory, community-based processes. The photographs portray participants at CarryOn Homes workshops, interviews, and gatherings with immigrants who are also queer, disabled, outdoor enthusiasts.

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