Deep Time | Amanda Hamilton

Deep Time | Amanda Hamilton

Amanda Hamilton's sabbatical exhibition Deep Time in Bethel University's Olson Gallery features new works in painting and collage exploring the complexity of living in human time within the scale of geologic time.

About the Artist: 

Amanda Hamilton lives in Minneapolis, MN, and received her MFA in painting from Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA. She has exhibited throughout the United States and has received support for her work from the National Endowment for the Arts, Idaho Arts Commission, and Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative grant and attended numerous artist residencies including Vermont Studio Center, Vashon Artist Residency, and the Elizabeth Murray Artist Residency in upstate NY.  Her work has been written about in numerous papers and has appeared in the book “500 Paper Objects” selected by curator Gene McHugh.  She is a recent contributor to the 2020 book “Wicked Art Assignments” from Valiz Press and the University of Arts in Amsterdam and an upcoming contributor to the Audubon publication “Disappearing Birds of America” (2025).  Hamilton teaches painting and leads international study tours through Bethel University in St Paul, MN.   

Gallery Hours:

Monday - Friday: 9am - 8pm
Saturday and Sunday: 11am - 6pm 

Virtual Viewing: Instagram @bethelgalleries 

Image: (Detail) Deep Time No. 8, 2023 

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