Dust in the Sky | Syed Hosain

Dust in the Sky | Syed Hosain

NE SCULPTURE I Gallery Factory presents Dust in the Sky featuring selected works by Syed Hosain.

About the Artist:

Syed Hosain explores unfixed histories, traditions, and constructions, of Middle- East geography and his identity through painting.Syed draws on real and imagined narratives of the present and past colonial histories. His paintings suggest complex networks, sprawling cities, or molecular structures, and within the clustered code of mark making, figurative associations emerge and recede. Process and material driven, Hosain builds up rich surfaces creating a tension between recognition and obliteration This compelling ambiguity in the work invites close examination and rewards continued observation.  

Syed Hosain also works into found surfaces, like old encyclopedias and history books, reworking images with additive and subtractive layers of paint, obscuring factual information and imagery to highlight multiple reading and meaning of text and image. Hosain's work has been exhibited both nationally and internationally.

Syed creates a vivid, visual smorgasbord of abstract paint and vintage print imagery that compels viewers to look deep into these vastly spiritually huge paintings.

Syed Hosain received a BA and an MA from University of Karachi, Pakistan and an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts, Vermont, USA

Mr. Hosain was born in Pakistan and lives and teaches art in Minneapolis, MN.

See more work by Syed Hosain here.

Regular Gallery Hours: 

Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays 12-5pm or by appt. 

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