Echo Trail | Laura Ahola-Young

Echo Trail | Laura Ahola-Young

Silverwood Park presents Echo Trail which reflects Young’s investigation of Critical Plant Theory, a new inquiry in the humanities that examines the human/plant relationship.

Her paintings celebrate plants found in her homeland, the Boundary Waters of Minnesota, and look closer at algae, the study of photosynthesis, microscopic details, and the role of oxygen and carbon in climate change. This exhibition asks viewers to consider their own relationship with plants.

Laura Ahola-Young received her MFA from San Jose State University in 2001. She currently resides in Pocatello, Idaho where she is an Associate Professor of Art at Idaho State University. Originally from northern Minnesota, Laura has been influenced by landscapes, winters, ice and resilience. She is currently developing work that incorporates scientific research and personal narrative.

Showing concurrently with Watershed | Liz Sexton

Gallery Hours:

Daily 9am - 5pm

Image: Eastern White Cedar, watercolor, ink and graphite on paper, 16" x 20", 2022 

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