follow me to the second spell

follow me to the second spell

Join us on January 17th, 6 - 8PM for the reception of "Follow Me to the Second Spell," a group exhibition featuring Madeline Cochran, Lisa Kill, Jean Balestri, Jade Hein, Max Paulin, Sage Phillips, and Vernon Vanderwood.

 "..the little cat tries to leave by the back door, believing that it will open on another season."- Béatrix Beck

Works span from large to small, painting to sculpture, beginning to end. The reception will host audio performances and video projections by Minneapolis DJs SUPERDUPERGROSS and Vermin

Featured Artists:
Madeline Cochran
Jade Hein
Max Paulin
Lisa Kill
Sage Phillips
Jean Balestri
Vernon Wanderwood

Takes place in studio #325

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