

Minnesota Center for Book Arts is pleased to present For/Word: New Work by MCBA’s Artist Collective, an exhibition in their Main Gallery featuring work by 20 members of their Artist Collective.

For/Word features new works by 20 of MCBA’s Artist Collective members ranging from early and emerging to established artists. The exhibition displays artwork within papermaking, letterpress printing, bookbinding, and everything in between.

Artists continually strive to move art forms forward, exploring new and innovative ways to expand their craft and in this case, the boundaries of what book arts can be. For/Word is a celebration of the transformation, change, and movement that is embedded within paper, words, and print. Our Artist Collective exhibition is a display of the limitless possibilities of creation that come out of MCBA’s studios.

Gallery Hours:
Tuesday–Saturday: 10am–5pm
Thursday: 10am–7pm 

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