Found Objects, Water & Sky, Hollywoodland, and Lyon~ Redux

Found Objects, Water & Sky, Hollywoodland, and Lyon~ Redux

Praxis Gallery two new exhibitions, Found Objects and Water & Sky.

New! Gallery 1: Found Objects

Praxis Gallery presents photographic art that investigates this idiom: exploring the subject of the “found object” as pure visual form, detached from its history or utility, or conversely, the representation of the object as a catalyst for exploring broader issues such as subjectivity and socialization, memory and loss, or love and death.

New! Gallery 2: Water & Sky

Praxis Gallery presents photographic artwork that explores the ideas of water and sky in their myriad iterations; from landscapes to still life – from scientific to conceptual, Praxis displays a broadly interpreted investigation of these forever flowing, forever ethereal ideas.

On View! Gallery 3: Hollywoodland • A solo exhibition by Vicky Martin

Vicky Martin is an award winning British photographer with a background in art and design.  She is best known for her conceptual portraits depicting the conflict between themes of fantasy and reality and strength and vulnerability, especially in relation to the female experience. Vicky intertwines her created characters with staged realities, which seek to convey the tension and conflicts found within the self.

On View! Gallery 4: Lyon~ Redux • A solo exhibition by Allen Gronhovd

The exhibit features images primarily taken in Lyon, France, between 1974 and 1988, with a few from Naples, Italy. Lyon offered a rich landscape for exploration and photography. The exact dates of the photos are hard to determine due to the nature of black and white photography. The photographer was influenced by Walker Evans, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Diane Arbus, and Brassaï, as well as filmmakers François Truffaut, Jean-Luc Godard, and Jean-Pierre Melville. [all artwork presented in the Chemistry Gallery is created using traditional photo-chemical processes]

An opening night reception on July 20, 2024, from 6 to 8PM, celebrates the debut of two new exhibitions at Praxis Gallery & Photographic Arts Center in the Seward neighborhood of Minneapolis. 

This event is free and open to the public. Guests are invited to mingle with artists and fellow photography enthusiasts while exploring four galleries of contemporary photographic art and enjoying complimentary refreshments. Twenty-three Minnesota artists are featured in group shows, along with artists from 27 other states and 6 foreign countries. 

Gallery Hours: 

Saturdays Noon–5PM and by appointment, during­­­­ exhibition dates. 

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