Future Seeps Into Now | Jane Powers

Future Seeps Into Now | Jane Powers

Jane is a mixed media sculptor and participatory public artist. Her early interest in sociology/psychology, connections within the medical field and volunteer work with community groups fuels her practice that explores social-political issues.

Three main threads continue through her work. The focus for Future Seeps Into Now is biomedical developments. This work considers the future of biomedical innovations in genetic engineering, tissue culturing and xenotransplantation. What technologies do we want to invest in and how will we choose to use them for healing, and for redesigning and reinventing our human biology? Additionally, will raising animals injected with human stem cells for use for replacement human body tissue and organs present ethical issues that differ from farming animals for food and hides?

Jane has examined issues concerning women and the culturing of bodies. As the body is a site through which experiences are digested and memories held, it critically informs our identity and emotional states. What are the cultural norms that define our depiction and stories, and how are our bodies to be engaged with?

The ongoing stories of violance—whether between individuals or countries—have caused Jane to reflect on issues surrounding our human propensity for it. How are economic, cultural and psychological pressures, and our gun/military culture sustaining this? War, whether gang or international, too often provides an arena for dispursing cultural conflicts, and personal anger and trauma.

Thurs, Fri & Saturdays 12-5pm (or by appt 612-743-6664 northeastsculpture@gmail.com)

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