HOLDING ON | Steve Smith

HOLDING ON | Steve Smith

ArT @ 967 Payne presents a solo exhibition of paintings and drawings by native artist Steve Smith.

For Steve Smith, 'Holding On' has come to mean things like remembering those who came before. It also means remembering the things people taught him about life and spirituality and living with the earth. And it has come to mean doing his art practice every day. Over the past few months, this included drawing in a book, sketches of things and faces.

A good number of these recent sketches will be part of the exhibition. So will many of his other remarkable paintings and drawings!

All are welcome to attend! Light refreshments will be served.

About the Artist:

Steve Smith began his journey as an artist at a young age, drawing with and on anything that was available, encouraged by aunts, uncles, parents and grandparents.  He attended college/art school at the University of Minnesota where I learned to find his vision for making art.  He seeks to be a story-teller as an artist, to visually speak his truth to those who might listen (or take a look).  He has remained active in art creation and exhibition throughout his life's journey. He has had exhibits in California, Florida, Kansas and locally.

Gallery Hours: By Appointment (651) 895 6203; stephanfkistler@gmail.com

Gallery/Venue Details:

ArT @ 967 Payne is a collaborative studio, co-working and gallery space for a diverse and inclusive community of artists and entrepreneurs working, exhibiting, selling, teaching, and making a positive impact on the East Side of St. Paul.  Our storefront gallery exhibitions change monthly, featuring a combination of local resident artists, invited guest artists and community art and cultural events. 

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