In Light of Trees

In Light of Trees

In this exhibition, artists Linda Gammell, Ann Ginsburgh Hofkin and Dodie Logue focus on “treeness” as the language to describe a deep connection to the natural world expressed through the mediums of photography, drawing and painting.

The Meet and Greet will be on Sunday, July 21st, from 2-4 pm.
Guests will have full access to the Arboretum.

Please note the following information from
MN Landscape Arboretum

Road Closure:
Three-Mile Drive will be closed for repaving from July 8th-26th.

Below you will find the current admission rates for Arboretum visitors. 

• Ages 16 and older with advance tickets — $20

• Ages 16 and older pay-at-the-gate
(available only if parking capacity allows) — $25

• Ages 15 and younger — free with an adult

Admission is free for all members!

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