Landscapes, The Abstract Image, and Praxis Annual Member Showcase

Landscapes, The Abstract Image, and Praxis Annual Member Showcase

Praxis Gallery celebrates the debut of three new exhibitions!

The opening reception is free and open to the public. Guests are invited to mingle with artists and fellow photography enthusiasts while exploring four galleries of contemporary photographic art and enjoying complimentary refreshments. 60 Minnesota artists are featured in group shows, along with artists from 18 other states and 9 foreign countries.

New! Gallery 1: Landscapes
Praxis Gallery presents photographic artwork that explores a broad, interpretive, and personal investigation of the landscape: both as a place or an idea, as a literal expression or conceptual iteration.

New! Gallery 2: The Abstract Image
Praxis Gallery presents photographic works that explore the world through an abstracted lens; utilizing elements of color, light, shadow, texture, shape and line to express meaning outside of traditional representational and documentary styles of photography.

New! Gallery 3: Praxis Annual Member Showcase
We are thrilled to host our fouth annual Praxis Members’ Exhibit! The exhibit will be installed by our gallerist Jonathon Pavlica in our new Project Lab Gallery at Praxis. Artist members present their photographs in this member only showcase.

Gallery Hours:
Saturday: Noon - 5PM and by appointment, during exhibition dates

Image: Jeff Schewe

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