Manual Transmission: Second Gear

Manual Transmission: Second Gear

Featured Guest Artists Teréz Iacovino and Jack Pavlik show new work in the garage and the garden

MANUAL TRANSMISSION: SECOND GEAR features two artists whose practices consider how unprecious objects, materials, and systems that we interact with every day take on meaning for us, affecting our behavior, our actions, and our emotions.

Teréz Iacovino combines DIY culture, systems aesthetics, and a taste for the irrational, with materials and objects that have complex personal and cultural history, as she explores familial relationships and the notion of heirlooms in an age of planned obsolescence.

Jack Pavlik looks at how people react to systems that exist to modify behavior, altering and re-contextualizing simple objects to create interactive sculptural performances that examine competition, confinement, and displacement. 

MANUAL TRANSMISSION is Red Garage Studio’s summer series of pop-up shows & art events. Curated by Allison Ruby, each show features guest artists showing new work in the garage and gardens.

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