Open Door Nineteen

Open Door Nineteen

Open Door is Rosalux Gallery’s annual open call exhibition which is on display for the month of December.

Open Door is an exciting opportunity for artists outside of our collective to showcase their work in the gallery.  Typically, this exhibition is reviewed and receives extensive press coverage from local media and is one of our best attended events of the year.  Open Door is open to all North American residents working in any 2D/ 3D media and video. Only works completed within the past two years are eligible for submission.


Rosalux Gallery is Minnesota’s longest running collective art gallery which was originally founded in February 2002. Rosalux is home to a roster of 18 contemporary visual Minnesota artists whose work can be found in major collections all over the world, many of whom have received prestigious grants, residencies, and awards recognizing their accomplishments as individual artists with a unique point of view.  The collective’s purpose is to create an exhibition environment which helps to encourage the careers of our artists by promoting & showcasing their works in a manner best suiting their needs as visual artists without restricting their creative needs. Over the years, Rosalux has been home to nearly 100 local artists, helping to build a solid foundation for their careers as art professionals and building a community dedicated to assisting these artists in meeting their creative goals and reaching new audiences.

JUROR:  Syed Hosain

Syed Hosain explores unfixed histories, traditions, and constructions, of Middle- East geography and his identity through painting. Syed draws on real and imagined narratives of the present and past colonial histories. His paintings suggest complex networks, sprawling cities, or molecular structures, and within the clustered code of mark making, figurative associations emerge and recede. Process and material driven, Hosain builds up rich surfaces creating a tension between recognition and obliteration This compelling ambiguity in the work invites close examination and rewards continued observation.  

Syed teaches painting at Minneapolis College. His teaching philosophy is based on responsive instructional methodology including both global traditions and post-pandemic teaching strategies consistent with students' experiences, cultural perspectives, and developmental needs.  He believes in teaching with trauma-informed methods and spiritual ethics.

Hosain emphasizes the importance of embodied learning and interconnectedness. He believes in the power of art-making as a mechanism of liberation and empowerment.  He is committed to bringing culturally sustaining pedagogical practice and healing-centered engagement across school spaces here and in his native country of Pakistan. Hosain received a BA and an MA from University of Karachi and an MFA from Vermont college of fine arts.


Submission Deadline:  October 31st @ midnight

Artists Notification:      November 8th

Exhibition Dates:          December 7th – 29th, 2024

Opening Reception:     December 7th, 7pm - 10pm


Required Application Materials:  (all below written materials should be in Word or PDF format) 

  • Artist Statement, brief (no more than 1 page)
  • Resume, (no more than 1 page)
  • Three images of works completed within the past two years.  Save  images as JPEG files, 72dpi in size, longest dimension less than 2000  pixels.
  • If you have a video to submit, please include a link in the "description" area to a youtube or vimeo sample of less than 3 minutes (alternately juror will only view first 3 minutes).  
  • We only accept work from continental US, Canada & Mexico
  • 2D work with a dimension exceeding 60" on it's longest side will not be accepted
  • $35 entry fee.

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