Order ≠ Disorder, curated by Praxis Directors

Order ≠ Disorder, curated by Praxis Directors

Order and disorder, form and formlessness, anarchy and rule: how do these concepts function in art? How do they operate in opposition to one another? What is intentional–and what is left to chance? In the Directors’ Gallery, Praxis Photo Arts Center presents photographic art that examines the concepts of order, disorder, or conflict between the two. While some pieces focus on these concepts as pure visual form expressed through compositional symmetry or disarray, others explore ideas of conformity or dissent, anxiety or calm, or obsession or indifference. All interpretations, genres, capture types, and post-production processes were welcome for submission.

Presented Alongside: The Found Objects; juried by Jonathan Pavlica

Gallery Hours: 

Saturdays Noon–5PM and by appointment, during exhibition dates.

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