Perspective Memories | Jade Lent and Billy Thao

Perspective Memories | Jade Lent and Billy Thao

Artistry presents Perspective Memories by Jade Lent and Billy Thao in the Confluence Gallery at the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge.

Artistry and the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge are excited to announce Perspective Memories by Jade Lent and Billy Thao. Both Jade and Billy grew up in Minnesota and have been creating illustrations since they were children. Their process and perspectives grew with them creating the artist they are today. We are excited to bring them together in the Confluence Gallery to share their perspectives of the Minnesota River Valley and how nature has influenced their lives. 

About the Artists:

Jade Lent is an artist who creates nature-themed illustrations in a digital style similar to lino printing. She received her BA at St. Catherine University in Studio Art with a concentration in Graphic Design. She was born and raised in Glenwood, Minnesota and grew up in the countryside surrounded by many creative souls who inspired her to pursue a career in the arts. She mainly works with digital illustration, largely focusing on images of the natural world. Inspired by the rural landscape of her home, her work is a constant reminder of her roots and her family. Jade’s creative work has been featured in multiple publications and collaborative partnerships, including The Ariston, Minnesota Women’s Press, Voices and Visions, and illustrative work for The Minnesota Land Trust. 

Billy Thao is a Hmong American visual artist and published children’s illustrator based in the Twin Cities. In 2017, he was awarded Artist of the Year. His first group exhibition “Qhia Dab Neeg” took place in 2018 hosted by In Progress. He also exhibited his original artworks from Red Wing Arts to Minneapolis Institute of Art – Foot in the Door 5. Some of his original art pieces were donated to the Center for Hmong Studies and to Senator Foung Hawj and Karla Bigham. In April of 2021, his debut picture book, Yang Warriors, written by acclaimed Hmong author, Kao Kalia Yang, was published by University of Minnesota Press. In addition, he collaborated with and is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators.

Image: Memory of Cousin’s Race by Billy Thao  

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