Piece by Piece

Piece by Piece

Rochester Art Center presents Piece by Piece an exhibition curated by the Minnesota Mosaic Guild.

On View August 12 - October 28, 2023

Curated by Minnesota Mosaic Guild

Coordinated by Susan Mathis

Opening Reception: August 12, 1:00 - 3:00 PM 

Light refreshments and mosaic demonstration by Debra DSouza

Artists: Sushila Anderson, Rachel Arntson, Rebecca Campbell, Debra DSouza, Kristin Dieng, Kelly Holzer, Bernadette Janisch, Jeff Janisch, Laura Lee, Amy Leyden, Shakuntala Maheshwari, Susan Mathis, Maureen Rath, Lisa Van Wyk & Shawn Wiski

About Minnesota Mosaic Guild

Established in 2004, the Minnesota Mosaic Guild was formed to promote the art of mosaic; foster exploration and experimentation in the media; provide educational opportunities in mosaic; and share and celebrate the diversity of experience and knowledge in the media. Our members emerge from a multitude of artistic backgrounds including sculpture, art instruction, jewelry design and oil painting. Many members have been active in community projects, artist residencies and workshops.

Learn more: https://www.minnesotamosaicguild.com

Image: Chickadee by Maureen Rath 

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