Plein Air Smackdown & Porch Party

Plein Air Smackdown & Porch Party

21 Groveland and guest artists will set up their studios in the open air in the beautiful area surrounding Minneapolis’s Lake Harriet. After observing artists at work, guests are invited to join the artists for a porch party and art sale back at the gallery.


11am – 4pm:  Artists will be painting on location. The public is encouraged to visit and observe.

4 – 6pm:  All artists and observers are invited to return to Groveland Gallery for a party and sale on the front porch at the end of the day.

Participating artists include: Richard Abraham, Fred Anderson, Scott Lloyd Anderson, Michael Banning, Kristie Bretzke, Andrew Grum Carr, Christopher Copeland, Joshua Cunningham, Robert Dorlac, Jessie Fisher, Hannah Heyer, Susan Horn, Cindy Koopman, Stuart Loughridge, Tom Maakestad, Jill Michell, Scott Seebart, Holly Swift, Kirsten Tradowsky, Justin Terlecki, Bob Upton

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