Raging Art On

Raging Art On

Gamut Gallery’s annual “uncurated” holiday makers market in a gallery setting featuring floor-to-ceiling local artwork, handcrafted gifts and live music

The event that kicked off Gamut’s inception is back for the 8th year in a row! 

Bigger & better than previous years, Raging Art On (RAO) holiday shop will be open for 3 weeks, featuring over 20 new artists, and will include a guaranteed party with extended hours. In addition to extended hours, each Saturday evening will spotlight different musical genres, including House, Hip-Hop and Funk. Local DJ’s, 88project & Nancy Cheng, Sammy Figz & Keith Millions, and Bobby Kahn & Dj Dandy will keep you movin’ and groovin’ while exploring the gallery for gifts from over 40 artists. 

FEATURED ARTISTS: Anton Horishnyk, Athena Jones, Barret Lee, Ben Wuest, Bethany Richards, Boxy, Black Daze, Cassie Garner, Cory Favre, Derek Meier, Emily Forbes, Emily Quandahalt, Evan Wesselman, Heather Renoux, Jacob Eidem, James Kloiber, Jamie Owens, Jeff Nichols, Kathryn Flora (Greimel), Lauryn Buda, Lydia Francis Design, Meg Brown, Meranda Turbak, Mike Ewaldt, Moustache Jim, Mr. Minded, Nelson Cain Art, Neal Breton, Nina Riedy, Phaedra Odelle, Polly Norman, Pseudo Manitou, Rachel Schroder, Reid Olson, Renee Chartier, Scott Seekins, Sherstin Schwartz, Tierney Houdek, Vanessa Weseman, Vavavoom Studios, & Yuya Negishi.

RAO will kick-off with a proper preview party featuring James Patrick on Wednesday, December 4th from 6-9pm. Admission to this “first dibs” opener will be $15 Presale, $20 Door, or FREE with gallery membership. 

Capacity is limited, so reserve your ticket today: http://www.gamutgallerympls.com/membership_tickets/

Wednesday, December 4th // 6-9pm
$15 Presale, $20 Door, or FREE w/ membership

Presales & Memberships available at: http://www.gamutgallerympls.com/membership_tickets/

Featuring Holiday Funk & Jazz

FREE OPEN HOURS: *DJs at 6pm every Saturday
Thursday - Friday December 5th - 6th // 11-6pm
Saturday December 7th // 11-10pm*88project & Nancy Cheng

Wednesday - Friday December 11th -13th // 11-6pm
Saturday December 14th // 11-10pm • *Sammy Figz & Keith Millions

Wednesday - Friday December 18th -20th // 11-6pm
Saturday December 21st // 11-10pm • *Bobby Kahn & Dj Dandy


Event Details

Opening Night Preview Party, $15 Presale, $20 Door, FREE with Membership
Wed Dec 4th 2019 6PM - 9PM CST
Free Open Hours
Dec 5th - Dec 21st 2019 CST
Event Website

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