Sight Between | Michal Sagar

Sight Between | Michal Sagar

Form+Content Gallery presents Sight Between. New works by Michal Sagar.

Michal Sagar invites you to explore the space between dreams and states of consciousness in an intimate environment — with large multimedia drawings, a “Mud God” made of clay, and hundreds of suspended floating elements. Each piece begins with a gestural expression of the hand, from the initial searching graphite lines on paper to the wet dark clay of a life-size ceramic creature. Moving from two-dimensional drawings to three-dimensional sculpture, from the young eyes of a boy to the ancient eyes of a “Mud God”, from mammals to avians — all the work in this show speaks of a yearning for transformation.  

Artist’s Biography:
Michal Sagar brings a sense of the essential mark into her work with drawing, painting, sculpture, and installation. Sagar recently retired as the Chair of the Visual Arts Department at Breck School in Minneapolis, where she taught drawing and painting. She received a BFA from the San Francisco Art Institute and an MFA from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Her multimedia work has been exhibited nationally and internationally. Sagar’s recent solo shows include Sight Between, What Remains and A Fertile Emptiness at Form+Content Gallery; The Beginning of the Third Dream at the Schaeffer Gallery, Gustavus Adolphus College in St. Peter, MN; Excavation at the Tychman Shapiro Gallery, Minneapolis, MN; and Coexistence at the Acanthe Gallery, La Ferté Loupière, France. 

Gallery Hours:
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, 12:00 – 6:00 pm and by appointment


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