Wayfinding: To and From the Studio | Neil Johnston

Wayfinding: To and From the Studio | Neil Johnston

This show highlights several series of paintings by Neil Johnston as part of the Gallery 9 TractorWorks Building Artist in Residency for 2023-24.

Exhibition coming to a close:

Since October 2023, artist Neil Johnston has curated a collection of paintings as the TractorWorks Artist in Residency for 2023-24. Recently, Johnston has added 23 new paintings to this 9-month exhibition residency - now totaling 58. Neil utilizes resin layers, collaged paper, letterforms, landscape views, gps data, maps, and more to experiment with themes of time, memory, space, and place. The work in the show responds to his interest in how time, environments, places, and memories, have a lasting impact on people. Drawing often on his experience with letterforms, scale, and bold imagery, his paintings lead the viewer through many real and unreal landscapes and psychological spaces. 

Venue Details: Gallery 9, 9th floor, TractorWorks Building -  800 N Washington Ave, Minneapolis

Gallery Hours: Monday - Friday from 7 AM until 6 PM 

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