Woven into Place | Marilyn Stevens

Woven into Place | Marilyn Stevens

Gallery 360 launches into the fall season with an exhibition of paintings that explores the boundaries of fiber in its full expression.

5-FOOT SHOWS: Bob Hest, David Cunningham,
Windows by: Dante Germain, Marilyn Stevens

This highly sculptural series of design centric works entitled, Woven into Place, is created by multimedia inspired artist, Marilyn Stevens. The collection combines primarily natural-colored pigments with a variety of fiber components such as heavy threading, fine linen, fiber mesh, and handmade papers that join to create gestural paintings, abstract in shape, color and texture. A modern-day pictograph of carefully placed materials that interlace to create their own art language. 

Right -  Steadfast, handmade papers, textiles, graphite, twine and acrylics
Left -  Belonging, handmade papers, textiles, graphite, twine and acrylics 

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