Sponsorship Specs

Thank you for becoming a sponsor and supporting the Twin Cities visual arts community. Below you will find all you need to get your ad graphics up and running. If you have questions, please reach out to us.

Crown Banner Ad

Crown Banners appear prominently on every page of the site. They're big, bold, and eye catching. We require two different sizes optimized for mobile and desktop.

  • Desktop dimensions: 1700px wide x 250px tall @ 100dpi
  • Mobile dimensions: 1000px wide x 800px tall @ 100dpi
  • Supported formats: JPG, PNG, or animated GIF
Crown Banner Display

Basic Banner

Basic banners appear inline in the content of every page and look great on mobile and on desktop. Basic Banners have the same 4:5 aspect ratio as the new preferred Instagram post size so you can use the graphics you already have.

  • Dimensions: 1080px wide x 1350px tall @ 100dpi
  • Supported formats: JPG, PNG, or animated GIF

Basic Banner Display


MPU ("Mid Page Unit") ads are industry standard units that appear inline with our most popular content. They're small but mighty! Best of all, since MPUs look great on both mobile and desktop, you only need to make one graphic!

  • Dimensions: 600px wide x 500px tall @ 100dpi
  • Supported formats: JPG, PNG, or animated GIF
MPU Display Ad

Weekly Newsletter Banner

Every Thursday at 4PM we send out a weekly roundup of events and a selection of articles. Capture the weekend crowd with an ad in our weekly newsletter.

  • Dimensions: 1000px wide x 800px tall @ 100dpi
  • Supported formats: JPG, PNG

Weekly Email Banner Display

Tips For A Successful Ad Campaign

Have Good Goals

Having a clear goal you hope to accomplish with your ads can be critical to your success.

  • Have a single concise goal. Are you trying to sell tickets? Are you trying to solicit memberships? Are you trying to get more walk-in customers? Don't try to do too many things with a single ad.
  • Align your ad graphics and landing page with your goal.
Make Good Ad Graphics

It all starts with good graphics. If you are used to designing for print ads, these tips will help you craft graphics to get folks to click with your business.

  • Our audience is very visual - use eye catching and colorful images.
  • Keep text legible on all screensizes by making fonts 18px or larger.
  • Less is usually more - fight the urge to pack too much information on the ad.
  • Since ads are clickable, there is no need to include urls or QR Codes. Leave the details for your landing page.
Create Good Landing Pages

Now that you have designed an amazing ad graphic, make sure your ads are a success by having a great page the visitor lands on after clicking your ad.

  • Have a clear call to action aligned to your goal. If your ad is for a ticketed event, make sure it’s straightforward to purchase tickets.
  • With nearly half of our audience on mobile, ensure your site looks great on the small screen.
  • Ensure your landing page is accessible. Don't require a paywall or login just to view the landing page.
Try New Things

Once you have a clear goal that your ad graphics and landing page help achieve, here are a few other tips for success.

  • Have a friend review your ad and landing page. Do they make sense to them?
  • Use multiple ad graphics to appeal to different audience segments.
  • Increase awareness by staggering multiple ad campaigns over time.
  • Use analytic tools to track your campaign's success
Have questions on how to craft your ad campaign? Want us to review your landing page? We're here to help. Send us an email.